Desch Plantpak crowned to best managed company 2017 – 2018

Mar 07, 2018

By Deloitte

February 9, 2018, for a second year, Desch Plantpak is acclaimed to be amongst the best managed Dutch medium and large companies. This was announced last week, Wednesday February 7th, by Deloitte. The qualification is part of Deloitte’s Best Managed Companies program. Out of the various BMC surveys Desch emerged as one of the 51 Best Managed Companies.

Deloitte organises the Best Managed Companies program for the tenth consecutive year.
Desch Plantpak participated this year for the second time and was again selected as one of the best managed companies in the Netherlands. For this Deloitte assessed the companies using the Business Maturity Model that maps both internal and external company profiles.

Jan Willem Wieringa, Managing Director: “We are extremely proud that we qualified for the
2nd time. Especially now that plastic companies are under a magnifying glass, we think we are profiling ourselves as 95% + of our material already consists of recycled plastic.
Desch Plantpak was already CIRCULAR before it became a fashion statement. In addition, we are within our industry one of the first with D-Grade, our bio product for professional horticulture. With this we are a leading innovator in the plastic world! ”

About the Best Managed Companies program.
Looking for the best managed companies within Dutch medium and large companies, Deloitte assesses the strategy, the operational management, the degree of innovation and the financial results of the participating companies based on the Business Maturity Model. This model has been developed together with the University of Utrecht. The Best Managed Companies programme focuses on Dutch companies with a turnover of at least twenty-five million euros, which are financially sound and have a shareholding or independent management. An overview of the winners can be found on

February 9, 2018, for a second year, Desch Plantpak is acclaimed to be amongst the best managed Dutch medium and large companies. This was announced last week, Wednesday February 7th, by Deloitte. The qualification is part of Deloitte’s Best Managed Companies program. Out of the various BMC surveys Desch emerged as one of the 51 Best Managed Companies.
